Sharon Slater

Author and Award Winning Historian


I’ve Worked With:

My Experience

A focus on information delivery with highly transferable skills in administration and event coordination.

• Experienced in administration, researching, writing and editing articles, biographies, historical reports and books.
• Event organisation – An excellent understanding of logistics, marketing, social media, event technology, time and people management.
• Well versed in public speaking – Radio, TV, conferences/events and tours
• Strong technical command of online database, website and social media maintenance.

Worked with:

  • Ormston House – Historian – 2019- Present
  • Limerick Council – Independent Consultant – 2013-2023
  • Limerick Post – Historian – 2022-Present
  • Limerick Leader – Historian – 2018
  • Limerick Life Newspaper – Historian – 2016-2017
  • Limerick Magazine – Historian – 2015-2016
  • The Wild Geese – Editorial Coordinator – 2012-2013

Volunteer & Cultural Links

  • Limerick City Tidy Towns (Board Member)
  • Ireland Genealogy Projects (Manager Limerick Section)
  • Elemental Arts Festival Limerick 
  • OpenHouse Limerick
  • Culture Night 
  • Heritage Week
  • Limerick Life Long Learning Festival
  • TomCat Festival


  • Irish Association of Professional Historians
  • Thomond Archaeological and Historical Society
  • Economic and Social History Society of Ireland
  • Limerick Arts and Culture Exchange